Esta é como Santa María livrou a abadessa prenne, que adormecera ant' o séu altar chorando.
Line | Refrain | Metrics | |
1 | Santa María amar | 7 A | |
2 | devemos muit' e rogar | 7 A | |
3 | que a sa graça ponna | 6' B | |
4 | sobre nós, por que errar | 7 A | |
5 | non nos faça, nen pecar, | 7 A | |
6 | o démo sen vergonna. | 6' B | |
Stanza I | |||
7 | Porende vos contarei | 7 c | |
8 | un miragre que achei | 7 c | |
9 | que por ũ' abadessa †CSM 7:9Mettmann's transcription hũa badessa in this line is exceptional and seems to be an editorial mistake. Elsewhere he consistently elides the indefinite article rather than the following noun beginning in a- (see ũ' in the Concordance), so I have done the same here. | 6' d | |
10 | fez a Madre do gran Rei, | 7 c | |
11 | ca, per com' éu apres' hei, | 7 c | |
12 | éra-xe súa essa. | 6' d | |
13 | Mas o démo enartar | 7 A | |
14 | a foi, por que emprennar | 7 A | |
15 | s' houve dun de Bolonna, | 6' B | |
16 | hóme que de recadar | 7 A | |
17 | havía e de guardar | 7 A | |
18 | séu feit' e sa besonna. | 6' B | |
Santa María amar... | |||
Stanza II | |||
19 | As monjas, pois entender | 7 c | |
20 | foron esto e saber, | 7 c | |
21 | houvéron gran lediça; | 6' d | |
22 | ca, porque lles non sofrer | 7 c | |
23 | quería de mal fazer, | 7 c | |
24 | havían-lle maíça. | 6' d | |
25 | E fôrona acusar | 7 A | |
26 | ao Bispo do logar, | 7 A | |
27 | e el ben de Colonna | 6' B | |
28 | chegou i; e pois chamar | 7 A | |
29 | a fez, vẽo sen vagar, | 7 A | |
30 | léda e mui risonna. | 6' B | |
Santa María amar... | |||
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson | |||
Stanza III | |||
31 | O Bispo lle diss' assí: | 7 c | |
32 | “Dona, per quant' aprendí, | 7 c | |
33 | mui mal vóssa fazenda | 6' d | |
34 | fezéstes; e vin aquí | 7 c | |
35 | por esto, que ante mi | 7 c | |
36 | façades end' emenda.” | 6' d | |
37 | Mas a dona sen tardar | 7 A | |
38 | a Madre de Déus rogar | 7 A | |
39 | foi; e, come quen sonna, | 6' B | |
40 | Santa María tirar | 7 A | |
41 | lle fez o fill' e crïar | 7 A | |
42 | lo mandou en Sanssonna. | 6' B | |
Santa María amar... | |||
Stanza IV | |||
43 | Pois s' a dona espertou | 7 c | |
44 | e se guarida achou, | 7 c | |
45 | lóg' ant' o Bispo vẽo; | 6' d | |
46 | e el muito a catou | 7 c | |
47 | e desnüá-la mandou; | 7 c | |
48 | e pois lle viu o sẽo, | 6' d | |
49 | começou Déus a loar | 7 A | |
50 | e as donas a brasmar, | 7 A | |
51 | que éran d' ôrdin d' Onna, | 6' B | |
52 | dizendo: “Se Déus m' ampar, | 7 A | |
53 | por salva póss' esta dar, | 7 A | |
54 | que non sei que ll' aponna.” | 6' B | |
Santa María amar... | |||
Line 9: | Mettmann's transcription hũa badessa in this line is exceptional and seems to be an editorial mistake. Elsewhere he consistently elides the indefinite article rather than the following noun beginning in a- (see ũ' in the Concordance), so I have done the same here. |
Manuscript references
External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.
[E] | 7 | view link |
[T] | 7 | |
[To] | 6 | view p1 link view p2 link |
Oxford CSM Database record
External link to poem data: CSM 7
Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.
Metrical summary
7 7 6' 7 7 6' |
7 7 6' 7 7 6' 7 7 6' 7 7 6' |
AABAAB / ccdccdAABAABR | I | II | III | IV | |
A | aɾ | ||||
B | oɲa | ||||
c | ei̯ | eɾ | i | ou̯ | |
d | esa | iʦa | enda | eŋo |
Estimated performance times
Average syllables / min. | Time | |
Very slow | 50 | 10:55 |
Slow | 100 | 5:27 |
Medium | 150 | 3:38 |
Fast | 200 | 2:43 |
Very fast | 250 | 2:11 |
These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.
Total syllables: 546