CSM Cantiga 273 Lyrics: A Madre de Déus que éste do mundo lum' e espello

Standard spelling
A Madre de Déus que éste do mundo lum' e espello
Cantiga 273: A Madre de Déus que éste do mundo lum' e espello
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Standard spelling

Esta é como Santa María déu fíos a ũu hóme bõo pera coser a savãa do séu altar.

Line Refrain  Metrics  
1 A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello, 7' | 7' A
2 sempre nas cousas minguadas | acórre e dá conssello. 7' | 7' A
  Stanza I     
3 Desta razôn un miragre | direi apóst' e fremoso, 7' | 7' b
4 que fezo Santa María, | e d' oír mui saboroso; 7' | 7' b
5 esto foi en Aiamonte, | logar ja quanto fragoso, 7' | 7' b
6 pero térra avondada | de perdiz e de cõello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza II     
7 Alí há ũa eigreja | desta Virgen grorïosa, 7' | 7' b
8 que é dentro no castélo, | nen ben feita nen fremosa, 7' | 7' b
9 mas pequena e mui póbre | e de todo menguadosa, 7' | 7' b
10 e campãa há tamanna | qual convên ao concello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza III     
11 E os panos con que éra | ende o altar cobérto 7' | 7' b
12 éran ricos e mui nóbres, | esto sabemos por cérto; 7' | 7' b
13 e per cima da eigreja | éra o teito cobérto; 7' | 7' b
14 e hóstïas i menguavan | e vinno branqu' e vermello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza IV     
15 Ond' avẽo na gran fésta | desta Virgen en Agosto 7' | 7' b
16 que entrou un hóme bõo, | e viu estar desaposto CSM 273:16The words desaposto in this line and dẽosto in the next would be expected, etymologically, to have the open stressed vowel [ɔ], and that is indeed how I have generally treated these words, as well as all forms of posto and aposto. However, agosto, from Latin AUGŬSTUS, should have close [o], so for the rhyme to work in this stanza it is necessary to assume that the process of metaphony, which later closed many cases of stressed [ɔ] to [o] under the influence of [o] in the following syllable, was already having an effect in the language of the CSM. Compare stanza XV of CSM 411 in which dẽosto and posto must also rhyme with agosto, and contrast stanza III of CSM 59 in which dẽosto and aposto rhyme naturally without the need to assume metaphony. 7' | 7' b
17 o altar e disse lógo: | “Par Déus, muit' é gran dẽosto 7' | 7' b
18 d' o feito da Virgen santa | seer metud' a trebello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza V     
19 E pero óra non tenno | pera dar i oferenda, 7' | 7' b
20 coserei aquestes panos | daquest' altar sen contenda, 7' | 7' b
21 se podér achar agulla | ou fíos ou quen mios venda, 7' | 7' b
22 pois que malparado vejo | jazer aqueste zarello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza VI     
23 E maa ventura venn' a | quen altar assí desbulla: 7' | 7' b
24 e porên buscade fíos, | amigos, ca éu agulla 7' | 7' b
25 tenno que non há tan bõa | daquí atá Ribadulla 7' | 7' b
26 pera cosê-los mui tóste, | pero que véllo semello.” 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza VII     
27 Per cousa que el fezésse | nen dissésse nen rogasse 7' | 7' b
28 a todos, non foi en preito | que sól un fío achasse, 7' | 7' b
29 nen aínda enos panos | do altar, pero provasse 7' | 7' b
30 de sacar end' un enteiro, | nen quen lle dissésse dello. CSM 273:30Mettmann ũu; [F] un; [E] ũu. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza VIII     
31 Estand' assí aquel hóme | por estes fíos coitado 7' | 7' b
32 que os haver non podía, | catou e viu a séu lado 7' | 7' b
33 pender de cima do ombro | dous fíos, e espantado 7' | 7' b
34 foi ên muit' a maravilla, | dizendo: “Non é anello 7' | 7' A
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza IX     
35 este miragre, mais nóvo; | e por aquesto, varões, 7' | 7' b
36 ena Virgen grorïosa | ben tẽed' os corações.” 7' | 7' b
37 E lóg' ant' o altar todos | fezéron sas orações, 7' | 7' b
38 e mais lágrimas choraron | ca chẽo un gran botello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    
  Stanza X     
39 E levantaron-se lógo, | dando grandes adïanos 7' | 7' b
40 todos a Santa María; | e el coseü os panos CSM 273:40[F] has coseo here, which might be intended to indicate the necessary diaeresis. However, in the next line [F] has the regular ending in encobriu, so we cannot draw any firm conclusions. Besides, consistency wouldn't be any fun, would it? 7' | 7' b .on
41 mui ben con aqueles fíos | e encobriü os danos, CSM 273:41See line 40. 7' | 7' b .on
42 a pesar do dém' astroso | que é peor que golpello. 7' | 7' A
  A Madre de Déus que éste | do mundo lum' e espello...    


Line 16:

The words desaposto in this line and dẽosto in the next would be expected, etymologically, to have the open stressed vowel [ɔ], and that is indeed how I have generally treated these words, as well as all forms of posto and aposto. However, agosto, from Latin AUGŬSTUS, should have close [o], so for the rhyme to work in this stanza it is necessary to assume that the process of metaphony, which later closed many cases of stressed [ɔ] to [o] under the influence of [o] in the following syllable, was already having an effect in the language of the CSM. Compare stanza XV of CSM 411 in which dẽosto and posto must also rhyme with agosto, and contrast stanza III of CSM 59 in which dẽosto and aposto rhyme naturally without the need to assume metaphony.

Line 30:

Mettmann ũu; [F] un; [E] ũu.

Line 40:

[F] has coseo here, which might be intended to indicate the necessary diaeresis. However, in the next line [F] has the regular ending in encobriu, so we cannot draw any firm conclusions. Besides, consistency wouldn't be any fun, would it?

Line 41:

See line 40.

Standard spelling  

Manuscript references

External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.

[E]273viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/E/489small.htmlExternal link

Oxford CSM Database record

External link to poem data:  CSM 273http://csm.mml.ox.ac.uk/index.php?p=poemdata_view&rec=273

Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.

Metrical summary


7' | 7'  7' | 7'


7' | 7'  7' | 7'  7' | 7'  7' | 7'


AA / bbbA
b ozoozaɛɾtoostoendauʎaaseadooŋesanos

Estimated performance times

Average syllables / min. Time
Very slow5019:50
Very fast2503:58

These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.

Total syllables: 992