CSM Cantiga 204 Lyrics: Aquel que a Virgen Santa María quisér servir

Standard spelling
Aquel que a Virgen Santa María quisér servir
Cantiga 204: Aquel que a Virgen Santa María quisér servir
Please read the notes on using the texts and the IPA transcriptions Please read the notes on using the music transcriptions
Standard spelling

Como Santa María guariu un frade por rógo de San Domingo.

Line Refrain  Metrics  
1 Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir, 7' | 7  A
2 quand' houvér coita de mórte, | ben o pód' ela guarir. 7' | 7  A
  Stanza I     
3 Daquesto a San Domingo | un miragre conteceu: 7' | 7  b
4 El un bon arcedïago | en sa orden recebeu, 7' | 7  b
5 que éra mui leterado, | e por aquest' entendeu 7' | 7  b
6 que podía en começo | per ele mui mais comprir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
  Stanza II     
7 El daquel arcedïago | havía mui gran sabor, 7' | 7  b
8 ca con ele preegava | o ben de Nóstro Sennor; 7' | 7  b
9 e andando preegando, | vẽo-lle mui gran door, 7' | 7  b
10 e San Domingo coitado | foi de ll' aquel mal vĩir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza III     
11 Ca el éra tan coitado | que non havía en si 7' | 7  b
12 nen sól un sinal de vida; | e os físicos dalí 7' | 7  b
13 dizían que podería | daquela guarir assí 7' | 7  b
14 como podería mórto | de so térra resorgir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
  Stanza IV     
15 El jazend' assí por mórto, | Santo Domingo rogou 7' | 7  b
16 a Virgen Santa María | que lle valvéss'. E entrou 7' | 7  b
17 ela u ele jazía | e mui ben o confortou, 7' | 7  b
18 e o doente mercee | começou-lle de pedir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
  Stanza V     
19 Pós ela vírgẽes muitas | entraron e a dizer 7' | 7  b
20 fillaron sas orações | e per séus livros leer, 7' | 7  b
21 e des i ar começaron | elas de mui gran lezer 7' | 7  b
22 a cabeça e o córpo | e os pées a ongir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza VI     
23 A cabeça lóg' ungiron | por lle Déus i siso dar, 7' | 7  b
24 e o córpo por ja sempre | de forniço se quitar, 7' | 7  b
25 e os pées por con eles | ir no mundo preegar 7' | 7  b
26 e que fezésse as gentes | que erravan repentir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
  Stanza VII     
27 San Domingu' en outra casa | jazía lonj' e viu ben 7' | 7  b
28 com' entrou Santa María, | e muito lle per prougu' ên, 7' | 7  b
29 e viu com' éra ongido, | e déu-lle graças porên 7' | 7  b
30 e disso: “Tan pïadosa | sennor dev' hóm' a servir.” 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
  Stanza VIII     
31 Pois que foi mui ben ongido, | Santa María saiu 7' | 7  b
32 se dalí conas sas vírgens | e aos céos sobiu, CSM 204:32The original word vírgẽes in the first hemistich here is naturally stressed on the first syllable, but a word with antepenultimate stress is clearly not permissible metrically. Rather than require the stress to move unnaturally to the second syllable, therefore, I have substituted virgens [βiɾʤeŋs] (functionally equivalent to synaeresis) and inserted the definite article as before the possessive to compensate. 7' | 7  b
33 e lóg' o arcedïago | a essa hóra guariu. 7' | 7  b
34 Por esto de séu serviço | non se dev' hóm' a partir. 7' | 7  A
  Aquel que a Virgen Santa | María quisér servir...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson


Line 32:

The original word vírgẽes in the first hemistich here is naturally stressed on the first syllable, but a word with antepenultimate stress is clearly not permissible metrically. Rather than require the stress to move unnaturally to the second syllable, therefore, I have substituted virgens [βiɾʤeŋs] (functionally equivalent to synaeresis) and inserted the definite article as before the possessive to compensate.

Standard spelling  

Manuscript references

External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.

[E]204viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/E/373small.htmlExternal link

Oxford CSM Database record

External link to poem data:  CSM 204http://csm.mml.ox.ac.uk/index.php?p=poemdata_view&rec=204

Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.

Metrical summary


7' | 7  7' | 7


7' | 7  7' | 7  7' | 7  7' | 7


AA / bbbA
b eu̯iou̯iu̯

Estimated performance times

Average syllables / min. Time
Very slow5015:00
Very fast2503:00

These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.

Total syllables: 750