CSM Cantiga 74 Lyrics: Quen Santa María quisér defender

Standard spelling
Quen Santa María quisér defender
Cantiga 74: Quen Santa María quisér defender
Please read the notes on using the texts and the IPA transcriptions Please read the notes on using the music transcriptions
Standard spelling

Como Santa María guareceu o pintor que o démo quiséra matar porque o pintava feo.

Line Refrain  Metrics  
1 Quen Santa María quisér defender, 11  A
2 non lle pód' o démo nïún mal fazer. 11  A
  Stanza I     
3 E dest' un miragre vos quéro contar 11  b
4 de como Santa María quis guardar 11  b
5 un séu pintor que punnava de pintar 11  b
6 ela mui fremos' a todo séu poder. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza II     
7 E ao démo mais feo d' outra ren 11  b
8 pintava el sempr'; e o démo porên 11  b
9 lle disse: “Por que me tẽes en desdên, 11  b
10 ou por que me fazes tan mal parecer 11  A
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza III     
11 a quantos me veen?” E el diss' entôn: 11  b
12 “Esto que ch' éu faço é con gran razôn, 11  b
13 ca tu sempre mal fazes, e do ben non 11  b
14 te quéres per nulla ren entrameter.” 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza IV     
15 Pois est' houve dit', o démo s' assannou 11  b
16 e o pintor fèrament' amẽaçou 11  b
17 de o matar, e carreira lle buscou 11  b
18 per que o fezésse mui cedo morrer. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza V     
19 Porend' un día o espreitou alí 11  b
20 u estava pintando, com' aprendí, 11  b
21 a omagen da Virgen, segund' oí, 11  b
22 e punnava de a mui ben compõer, 11  A
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza VI     
23 por que parecesse mui fremos' assaz. 11  b
24 Mais entôn o dém', en que todo mal jaz, 11  b
25 trouxe tan gran vento como quando faz 11  b
26 mui grandes torvões e que quér chover. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza VII     
27 Pois aquel vento na igreja entrou, 11  b
28 en quanto o pintor estava deitou 11  b
29 en térra; mais el lóg' a Virgen chamou, 11  b
30 Madre de Déus, que o vẽéss' acorrer. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza VIII     
31 E ela lógo tan tóste ll' acorreu 11  b
32 e fez-lle que eno pinzél se sofreu 11  b
33 con que pintava; e porên non caeu, 11  b
34 nen lle pód' o dém' en ren empeecer. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
Cantigas de Santa Maria for Singers ©2013 by Andrew Casson
  Stanza IX     
35 E ao gran son que a madeira fez 11  b
36 vẽéron as gentes lógo dessa vez, 11  b
37 e viron o démo mais negro ca pez 11  b
38 fogir da igreja u s' ía perder. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
  Stanza X     
39 E ar viron com' estava o pintor 11  b
40 colgado do pinzél; e porên loor 11  b
41 déron aa Madre de Nóstro Sennor, 11  b
42 que aos séus quér na gran coita valer. 11  A
  Quen Santa María quisér defender...    
Standard spelling  



From Anglés' facsimile it is difficult to know whether this flat is actually present in [E]—it looks like no more than a fat-bottomed C-clef. However, the melody clearly requires the flat, and it is present both in the vuelta in [E] and at this position in [To].

Manuscript references

External links marked are to facsimiles on Greg Lindahl's Cantigas de Santa Maria website.

[E]74viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/E/179small.htmlExternal link
[To]87viewhttp://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cantigas/facsimiles/To/bob077small.gifExternal link

Oxford CSM Database record

External link to poem data:  CSM 74http://csm.mml.ox.ac.uk/index.php?p=poemdata_view&rec=74

Links to the Oxford database are provided with the kind permission of the project team. When planning a concert or recording, I would recommend that you use (and credit) my more pragmatic texts and supporting materials in the preparation of your performance, but that you request permission from the Oxford database team to reproduce (and credit) their own critically edited texts in your programme or liner notes, as these adhere to stricter criteria that keep them closer to the original sources, and undoubtedly have the greater academic authority.

Metrical summary


11  11


11  11  11  11


AA / bbbA
b ou̯iou̯eu̯

Estimated performance times

Average syllables / min. Time
Very slow5013:38
Very fast2502:43

These are very approximate total times for a full sung (or spoken) performance of all stanzas with all repeats of the refrain. Note that the speed is in average syllables per minute, and no particular mensural interpretation is assumed. More ornamented music will reduce the syllabic speed considerably. Remember also to add time for instrumental preludes, interludes and postludes.

Total syllables: 682